Friday, September 6, 2024

Real Estate: Programs available to reduce property taxes

By Lisa DiBiase

Reducing monthly expenses is a goal many of us strive to achieve, and property taxes are often one of the biggest expenses that homeowners face. Fortunately, for Maine residents, there are several programs available that can help lower these costs. By taking advantage of these property tax relief programs, homeowners can save a significant amount of money each year. Here are some of the key programs that can help Maine residents reduce their property tax bills:

Homestead Exemption:

The Homestead Exemption is a popular program that offers property tax relief to individuals who have owned homestead property in Maine for at least twelve months and use that property as their permanent residence on April 1st. Eligible homeowners can receive a reduction of up to $25,000 in the assessed value of their home for property tax purposes. This reduction can result in substantial savings, especially over the long term.

To take advantage of the Homestead Exemption, homeowners need to apply. The application process is straightforward. Simply visit, click on the "Property Tax" From there, you can learn more about the Homestead Application and download the form, complete it, and submit it to your local assessor’s office. It's a quick and easy step that can lead to significant savings.

Veteran Exemption:

Maine offers additional property tax savings for veterans through the Veteran Exemption. This program is designed to honor and assist those who have served our country. Veterans who served during a recognized war period and are 62 years or older, or those receiving 100% disability or who became 100 percent disabled while serving, may be eligible for a $6,000 exemption on their property taxes.

The process to apply for the Veteran Exemption is similar to the Homestead Exemption. Veterans can visit the same section on to find the Veteran Exemption Application form. By completing this form and providing the necessary documentation, veterans can benefit from this well-deserved tax relief.

Tree Growth Tax Program:

Maine’s Tree Growth Tax Program offers property tax reductions for landowners who manage their land for timber harvesting. To qualify, homeowners must have at least 10 acres of forestland. This program taxes land based on its current use—timber production—rather than its market value, which can result in significant tax savings.

Participating in the Tree Growth Tax Program not only helps landowners reduce their tax burden but also promotes responsible land management and sustainable forestry practices. This program is a win-win for property owners and the environment, ensuring that Maine’s forestland is preserved for future generations.

Farmland Tax Program:

Similar to the Tree Growth Tax Program, the Farmland Tax Program provides property tax reductions for land actively used for agricultural purposes. This program helps preserve Maine’s valuable farmland by reducing the tax burden on farmers and those who maintain agricultural land. By assessing the land based on its agricultural use rather than its market value, the Farmland Tax Program makes it easier for farmers to continue operating and maintaining their land.

To qualify, landowners must demonstrate that their land is used for agricultural purposes, such as growing crops or raising livestock. This program is vital for maintaining Maine’s agricultural heritage and supporting local farmers.

Additional Property Tax Relief Programs:

In addition to these programs, Maine offers other property tax relief options that homeowners may find beneficial:

Blind Exemption: Homeowners who are legally blind may qualify for a property tax exemption, providing up to $4,000 off the assessed value of their property.

Renewable Energy Equipment Exemption: Homeowners who install renewable energy systems, such as solar panels or wind turbines, may be eligible for a property tax exemption on the value of the equipment, encouraging the use of clean, renewable energy.

Working Waterfront Tax Program:
This program offers tax reductions for owners of waterfront land used for commercial fishing activities, supporting Maine’s traditional fishing industry.

For us Maine residents, taking advantage of these property tax relief programs can lead to some great savings. Whether you're a homeowner, veteran, farmer, or someone looking to manage your land responsibly, there are options available to help reduce your property tax burden.

When it comes to navigating these programs and maximizing your property investments, having a knowledgeable team of professionals by your side can make all the difference. As I have said before, please call a local Realtor® for all your real estate needs no matter how big or small. We are trained professionals here to make your life easier.

Lisa DiBiase is the Broker/Owner for Landing Real Estate. She and her company represent buyers and sellers in the Greater Portland area and surrounding areas. For all your real estate needs contact Lisa at or call 207-775-SOLD. <

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