Larry Eliason
real estate brokerage is about the numbers such as income and expenses, the
leases in place, return on investment, the zoning, permitted uses and the
bricks and mortar as well as the location.
It is also very much a people business.
To be successful, a commercial broker should stay connected to clients
and customers, existing as well as potential new ones.

Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce, representing the towns of Casco, Gray,
Limerick, Limington, Naples, New Gloucester, Raymond, Sebago, Standish and
Windham is one of the most active chambers in the State of Maine. It is comprised of business members ranging
from young entrepreneurs and ‘mom & pop’ shops to the largest employers in
our region.
is one of the largest industries in our scenic region. Windham, Raymond and
surrounding communities are a top vacation destination in Western Maine. The
Chamber constantly promotes our region and recommends our businesses to
visitors through special events, trade publications, information centers, the
internet, and by phone and mail.
how can your business benefit from the chamber?
The benefits listed below are included with a membership. Consider these
advantages as a return on your investment!
chamber is a collective voice for local business in municipal and government
affairs. And, the chamber membership and board are actively engaged in economic
development and legislative issues that affect the quality of life and the
business climate in our region.
to membership lists and marketing leads are a great way to target regional
customers. The chamber maintains data on over 300 businesses in the Lakes
having your website business listing with business description and link
displayed on the Chamber’s online business search directory your display is
seen by hundreds of potential customers each month, generating sales and/or
brand recognition.
Regional Guide Listing provides a business description and contact info
displayed in 12,000 of our printed guides used by tourists, locals and
businesses as a reference for regional services, recreation etc. It is also
viewable on the chamber’s website!
professional leads group only for chamber members meets once a month to
specifically discuss and share leads with no added fee and no strict
parameters. One industry is represented in each group.
inquiries and referrals come into the Chamber, about 2,000 information and
referral requests each and every year, and the Chamber only refers Chamber
cutting events provide an event where town officials, chamber staff and chamber
ambassadors celebrate your business. Ribbon cuttings are prominently displayed
in the chamber newsletter seen by over 400 contacts. The chamber will also post
the photo on our Facebook page which averages hundreds of views!
monthly “Business Breaks” open up business networking opportunities with the
potential to meet dozens of new contacts (or reconnect with old). Learn about
other chamber members while marketing your business in a fun social setting.
chamber gives people an easy way to be part of a collective voice and to
participate in something larger than themselves and their respective
organizations. The chamber offers a sense of purpose through a united voice
involving mutual interests and opportunities. The chamber is at the table representing the
interests of business at most community functions including local government,
economic development, and education.
chamber holds an annual meeting each January. This event is one of the
community’s largest business events. The event sets the tone and spirit of the chamber
initiatives for the remainder of the year. In addition, the chamber bestows
some of its most prestigious awards at this event.
to other businesses, chamber members are believed to have better visibility and
strive to use better business practices. They have a better reputation within
their community. Members have greater
visibility among customers and are perceived as more caring towards their
customers. They are seen as more supportive of their community. Chamber members
are considered to be more stable and therefore more reliable.